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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Unnecassary Chairs vs. Potholes

Alright, I was on my way back from church last sunday, and on the side of the road were two benches and an empty trash can- in the middle of the freeway. There were numerouse amounts of them on the side of the road. That same day I went to hang out with my dad, and on almost every street we turned onto, was covered with potholes! What doesn't make sense to me is the government decides to spend our taxes on nice little places where no one is going to sit and trash cans that no one is going to use while on that road and many other streets are filled with big, deep potholes. What do you think of the whole situation?


bellastwin said...

uhhhh yeah!

New blog
Becca rambles on
go there
its pointless


Anonymous said...

new blog
some minor rambling but nothing pointless

Anonymous said...

Makes no sense... I'll be looking for more post my friend!

Abigale said...

Thank you Mr. Ennis!

Anonymous said...

i cant believe it!!!
the presedent needs to come an see whats its live living the life of an actuall person and get him head out of the friggen white house. maybe then he'sll see what us people reallt need

not trash cans on the side of empty beaches.

but filling in deep, dangurous POTHOLES!!

gowd im so pissed at...people i like candy corn......